A few weeks ago, a storm called Sandy hit the Northeastern United States as a category 1 hurricane… Sandy turned out to be the largest Atlantic hurricane ever recorded (1100 miles across). It killed 253 people in seven countries and caused an estimated $52.4 billion in losses. These storms don’t just ‘happen’—God sends them… Hurricanes are like giant vacuum cleaners—God uses to clean the oceans… the islands… and the coastlands…
More common than hurricanes… are what might be called the STORMS OF LIFE – circumstances or situations that we don’t like, or didn’t expect—that disrupt, distress, and sometimes even devastate us…
Ø God sends storms into the lives of UNBELIEVERS – to get their attention… to disrupt their false sense of peace and security… to make them uncomfortable in their sins—especially their sin of disregarding Him…
Ø God sends storms into the lives of those of us who are BELIEVERS – to teach us more about our God and ourselves… and what it means to live by faith… God sends storms into our lives to teach us to trust Him…