Pneumatology 101

By: Bryan Wheeler Scripture: Acts 19:1-7 Series: The Holy Spirit
What greater blessing could He have given us? What greater promise could Christ have made to His Church? – – Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit as a kind of engagement ring to show us His great love and gracious intentions toward us. C.H. Spurgeon – ‘I believe, brethren, that whenever the church of God declines, one of the most effectual ways of reviving her is to preach much truth concerning the Holy Spirit. After all, he is the very breath of the church. Where the Spirit of God is, there is power. If the Spirit be withdrawn, then the vitality of godliness begins to decline, and the energy thereof is near to dying out.’ – MTP #1952, The Holy Ghost The Need Of The Age – (vol.33) If God had given to each one of us our own personal archangel (like Michael or Gabriel) to minister to our every need, He would have given us far less than what He has given us in the Holy Spirit. – John 16:7 Holy (Spirit) dispel our sadness, Pierce the clouds of nature’s night; Come, thou Source of joy and gladness, Breathe thy life, and spread thy light.

Bryan Wheeler
