Four important elements of CHRISTIAN EXCELLENCE – as exemplified in the life of the apostle Paul.
1st – The GRACE OF GOD – Christian excellence is not something any of us are naturally capable of—we’re sinful people… The only things that you and I excel in, is self-indulgence… self-expression… and self-righteousness—3x in (v.3-4) Paul uses the expression, “confidence in the flesh” …
The only EXCELLENT ONE is the Lord Jesus… and we share in His excellence and become recipients of His excellence by grace through faith – Ephesians 2:8-9. Grace is all about God doing for us—what we couldn’t (or wouldn’t) do for ourselves… Grace is God working in us—both to will and do what is pleasing to Him…
2nd – SELF-KNOWLEDGE – in (v.4-14) Paul tells us a lot about himself… Roman 12:1-3 – If you and I are going to live a life of Christian excellence… we’re going to have to THINK SOBERLY about ourselves… We’re going to have to be able to look at ourselves from two different angles:
(1st) A BIBLICAL ANGLE – James 1:23-25
(2nd) THE HUMAN ANGLE of those around us – Proverbs 27:21
3rd – HOLY PASSION – Paul uses an interesting Gk verb in (v.12,14) “I press” – (dioko) to chase or pursue – often translated—“persecute.” The apostle shows us his passion by using two word pictures.
4th – SINGLE-MINDEDNESS – Paul’s faith was a focused faith… (v.13) ‘one thing I do’ – Paul’s single ambition and focus in life was to “press for the prize of the upward call of God.” To the apostle—life had little or no meaning outside of the words of Jesus in (Mt 6:33) “seek FIRST the kingdom of God…”