Sinning Against The Spirit

By: Bryan Wheeler Scripture: Isaiah 63:7-14 Series: The Holy Spirit
1st – SINS AGAINST KNOWLEDGE AND TRUTH – those who sin against the Spirit should know better. Sins against the Holy Spirit are sins committed by those who have a covenant relationship with God—either real or superficial… So, Sins against the Spirit—are especially grievous because they are sins by people who should’ve known better… 2nd – SINS AGAINST A LOVING GOD – sins against the Spirit are blatant moral aggravations against love… and not just any kind of love—it was God’s love! The greater a person is loved, the greater the magnitude of their guilt when they sin against that love… 3rd – SINS AGAINST OUR OWN SOUL (63:10) – our spiritual life, the blessings of God, and the benefits of salvation came to us through the Spirit… When we sin against the Spirit – we sin against our closest ally… against our hope and happiness… against our own best interests in this world and the world to come… Sins against the Spirit hurt us in every way—especially in the sense of cutting us off from our fellowship and communion with God! – v.15.

Bryan Wheeler
