Can someone be a true Christian and never really live like a Christian?
‘Carnality is that spiritual state where a born-again Christian knowingly and persistently lives to please and serve self rather than to please and serve Christ… it is important to recognize that a carnal Christian is a genuine Christian. It is entirely possible to be on your way to heaven but to be no good to God on earth. Carnal Christians have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but they refuse to submit to Christ as their Lord.’ –
‘Carnal Christians are people who continually grieve the Holy Spirit by their temper, touchiness, irritability, prayerlessness or love of self. These are signs of carnality, of spiritual babyhood. These people are living a worldly life.’ – Billy Graham
The CARNAL CHRISTIAN teaching, that a person can be a Christian and not really live like a Christian and still go to heaven—is not from the Bible!