Chapter 7 – God’s Covenant
The Covenant of a King – 2 Samuel 7:1-16 – (Ps 89:3-4; 132:11-12) – is a gracious covenant of RULE that shows us something of the nature of God’s kingdom and our King—Jesus Christ.
O. Palmer Robertson, Christ of the Covenants (pp.248-9) – ‘It may be affirmed as emphatically true that David’s covenant hinged conditionally on the responsible fulfillment of covenant obligations by Jesus Christ, the seed of David. He satisfied in Himself all the obligations of the covenant. Not only did He maintain perfectly every statute and ordinance of the Mosaic law as required of David. He also bore in Himself the chastening judgments deserved by David’s seed through their covenant violations… While God was manifesting His lordship through David’s line, this human monarchy was serving at the same time as a typological representation of the throne of God itself. David’s reign was intended to anticipate in shadow-form the reality of the Messianic Redeemer who was to unite with finality the throne of David and the throne of God.’