The Just One – Justifies Sinners

By: Bryan Wheeler Scripture: Romans 3:26 Series: An Exposition of Romans
C.H. Spurgeon – ‘…we now declare that the God of Holy Scripture is a God of inflexible justice; he is not the God whom some of you adore. You adore a god who winks at great sins; you believe in a god who calls your crimes…little faults. Some of you worship a god who does not punish sin; but who is so weakly merciful… (that he) passes by transgression and iniquity, and never (punishes)… You think that a few good works…will pacify him… Your god is no God… The God of Scripture is one who is inflexibly severe in justice, and will by no means clear the guilty… The God of Scripture is a Ruler, who, when his subjects rebel, marks their crime, and never forgives them until he has punished it… The God of the Bible is as severe as if he were unmerciful, and as just as if he were not gracious; and yet He is as gracious and as merciful as if He were not just—yea, more so.’ – Substitution MTP #141-142 (vol.3)

Bryan Wheeler
