Spurgeon, once said, ‘This first chapter of the Epistle to the Romans is a dreadful portion of the Word of God. I should hardly like to read it aloud; it is not intended to be so used. Read it at home, and be startled at the awful vices of the Gentile world. Unmentionable crimes were the common pleasures of those wicked ages…’
Unfortunately for our generation, the most controversial part of this chapter is not what Spurgeon called, ‘the awful vices (and) unmentionable crimes of the Gentile world…’ By far, the most despicable part of this chapter—as far as our modern generation is concerned—are those four “terrible words” in (v.18> “the wrath of God.”
Yet, these words are every bit as INSPIRED BY GOD—as the words of John 3:16… “For God so LOVED the world…” If people ever think about God, they think of Him as being loving, compassionate, tenderhearted, and merciful—and He is all those things… But God is also: holy, just, and true—and ‘God is ANGRY at the wicked every day.’ (Ps 7:11)