About Us
Emmanuel Baptist Church is a 1689 Reformed Baptist Church located in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, just north of Staunton in the town of Verona. Our church is a congregation in community together to encourage faith in Jesus Christ. We have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ and seek follow Him together. Our desire is to display the glory of God in all things and to obey the great commission to make disciples in the nations.
Living out the truth of the gospel is central to our lives. We are not perfect… not even close, which is why we need Jesus and to remind one another of His atoning work on the cross for us. We gather together to for the preaching, reading and singing of God’s Word with prayer. In our public worship gatherings, we seek to give God the glory and adoration.
As fellowship is a crucial part of the life of the church, we also meet regularly throughout the year for fellowship dinners, campfires, picnics, and other special occasions. We are also involved in support of the spread of the gospel across the globe through financial support, visiting and praying for churches and missionaries.
At EBC, we seek to be a church where Christ is the focus, where the members follow the Word of God as the guide to every aspect of life, and where the gospel is spread to the community and across the world.